Processing of the liquid fraction

Bioelectrochemical processes

Bioelectrochemical processes


Processes that use sacrificial anodes and stable anodes to promote the chemical precipitation of compounds of interest by using a microbial fuel cell (MFC) to generate the energy required by the process


Liquid streams rich in N-ammoniacal and/or P-orthophosphoric


Although N and P recovery efficiencies above 90% have been reported, these percentages will depend significantly on the type and surface of the membrane and electrode used and the characteristics of the treated wastewater


The process is sensitive to pH, toxicity events and the applied organic load. So, the process can be unstable in the face of fluctuating loads, in which case the application of electrochemical methods is more interesting;


In processes with separate ammonia adsorption, if sulfuric acid is used, ammonium sulfate salts will be produced. In precipitation processes, phosphoric salts will form

Other outlets

Treated liquid effluent


Energy: Low
Water: Not applicable
Reagents: Not applicable


Not available


Not available



Combination with other technologies

1. Separation technologies -> Bioelectrochemistry
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TRL - 5
Status Emergent
Complexity High

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BETA Tech Center