Processing of the solid fraction

Wet oxidation

Wet oxidation


Oxidation of dissolved and suspended organic components using oxygen at high temperatures and under pressure. The objective is to eliminate organic compounds that are too diluted to apply incineration or too concentrated to undergo biological treatment


Municipal solid waste, slurry from different types of livestock activity (pigs, cattle and poultry), sludge from waste water treatment plants, products from other processes such as anaerobic digestion


COD removal 75-90%; Conversion of organic nitrogen to ammoniacal nitrogen 78-86%.


Potential risk of gaseous emissions (NOx, SOx, H2S, HCl, dioxins, etc.), although lower than with other oxidative processes due to the liquid condition of the environment;


Carbon dioxide and water

Other outlets

Short-chain carboxylic acids and ammonium (in the case of nitrogenous waste), sulfates (in the case of waste with a high sulfur content)


Energy: High
Water: No data
Reagents: Medium


Not available


Not available



Combination with other technologies

1. Wet oxidation -> Anaerobic digestion (for other co-substrates other than manure);
2. Anaerobic digestion -> Wet oxidation
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TRL - 4
Status Consolidated
Complexity High

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BETA Tech Center