Agronomic Valorization of Bio-based Fertilizers in Greenhouses
Bio-based fertilizers
Controlled fertilization
Nutrient management
Formulation and testing of the agronomic suitability of bio-based and tailor-made fertilizers obtained from recovered nutrient sources in pot tests. During the initial stages of the new fertilizer formulation, in mesocosms, incubation tests will be conducted to assess the nutrient release capacity in soil. In the target crop and greenhouse, the effect of the new fertilizer on soil quality and nutrient uptake by the plant will be evaluated.
Lending institution
BETA Technology Center
Lending Entity Typology
Technology Center
EBC Main raw material
Cross-cutting service
Purpose (EBC2030)
Valorization of livestock manure and organic waste
EBC2030 Specific value chain
Innovative organic-based fertilization
Initial maturity of the project
From lab to pilot (TRL 4-6)
Biohubcat line of action