Multiparametric Systems Based on Mesocosms for the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts in Agri-food Industries
Water quality
Ecological and chemical status
A multiparametric approach based on mesocosms and simple trophic networks to biomonitor the quality of effluents from treated water in the agri-food industry and the early detection of possible negative effects on aquatic ecosystems. As a result, this technology allows the industry to understand the ecological quality of its effluents in advance, preventing adverse environmental impacts and ensuring compliance with current legislation. This technology is low-cost, easy to apply, and provides a quick response.
Lending institution
BETA Technology Center
Lending Entity Typology
Technology Center
EBC Main raw material
Cross-cutting service
Purpose (EBC2030)
Cross-cutting service
EBC2030 Specific value chain
Cross-cutting service
Initial maturity of the project
From lab to pilot (TRL 4-6)
Biohubcat line of action